Thursday, April 13, 2006

Plan E

After many rounds of phone tag with the social worker who works with MOSWO, some quick research on her leads, and a call to my secondary insurer, here's the deal:

I don't qualify for at least one program that offers prescription-drug-expense relief (because I have insurance), but I might qualify for another—except I won't know until Monday, because they closed early today and are closed tomorrow for Good Friday.

So . . . I'm going to pay for the new drug, but cut the cost slightly as follows:

Instead of filling the entire Rx (one four-day dose for tomorrow's round of chemo and two refills for the last two rounds) at the local pharmacy, I'm going to pick up a new Rx for only one dose and fill it at the pharmacy near the treatment center (which, if I'm lucky, will charge a bit less—many of their customers are patients from the cancer center) and then get the other doses through the mail. MOSWO's excellent nurse practitioner already faxed the scrip to the mail-order pharmacy, and I should have it with about a week to spare.

(I would have filled the Rx for one dose at my neighborhood drug store, but they don't stock the drug, and at this point there isn't enough time for them to order it.)

And I still have two back-up anti-nausea medications in case I need them.

End of cliffhanger. (I can only hope.)

Oh wait—I forgot to say that if I'm really lucky, I'll qualify for the other co-pay-relief program and maybe even recoup some of the money we spent on the Emend, the IVF drugs, and everything else I've been taking these past few months.

I guess that's another cliffhanger. <sigh>

(If you're wondering about the title of this post, go here.)


Anonymous Liz said...

Oh socialized health care -- or ANY health care system providing affordable drug benefits for all -- where are you????


April 14, 2006 10:45 AM  

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