Friday, July 14, 2006


My sister and her girls were in town this week for a visit, and my four-year-old niece gave me a good once-over. She is enamored of my "bald hair" and treated me to a couple of enthusiastic head rubs over the past few days.

Her one-word verdict?


True, that.

My hair is coming in, and there's more of it every day. In fact, Zach thinks I'm about ready to go out sans headgear.

But you can still see my scalp, so I'm not quite ready to go commando as far as the follicles are concerned.

I do have one possible solution, though. Taking my cue from all those parents with baby daughters masquerading as Children of Indeterminate Gender, I'm thinking of getting one of these to wear out and about.

I think the personalization really makes it.


Anonymous Torre said...

gawd, I HOPE not! (gee, how do you really feel, Torre?) Heck, you could also try the Aunt Jemima towel-head look, I suppose. But too hot.

I'd say fuzzy is chic. (Just messier to apply sunscreen!)

July 15, 2006 9:44 AM  

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