Friday, February 08, 2008

Speaking of Treats

I was surprised and delighted to be included among the day-in-the-life bloggers mentioned today on "Shifting Careers," Marci Alboher's fabulous New York Times blog.

Of course, becoming a cancer patient is not the stuff of anyone's career plans, but for those who were railroaded into this particular line of work, I hope "Breach" can assist in some way.

If you're toiling in the typing pool of cancer—my best analogy for going through treatment—check out some of the older posts for a big dose of empathy and maybe even a little advice. You may not need or want a cancer mentor, but if you do, I'm here.

And if you've gotten that big promotion from patient to veteran—hooray!—then please consider me the friendly new colleague down the hall. I hope you'll make a habit of stopping by my "office" and, of course, sharing your experiences and insights when you visit.

Either way, my very first post, "Ground Rules," and the rest of the "Oldies but Goodies" links over there on the right will give you some background and help catch you up.

Hope to see you again soon!


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