Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Q &A About J & Z

Thanks to Dooce for inspiring this post, in which I answer a series of seemingly random questions about my relationship with Zach:

What are your middle names?
Mine was Nan (after my dad's favorite uncle, Norman) and is now Rosen. His is Stewart, after his dad's brother.

How long have you been together?
Nineteen(!) years this month. We've been married for 16.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Not long. A few weeks. Would have been shorter if I hadn't put up a fight.

Who asked whom out?
It didn't really happen that way. But see above.

How old are each of you?
Forty-two. Ouch.

Whose siblings do you see the most?
It's probably a tie between my sister and Zach's brother (and their families). We'd see Zach's sister (and her husband) more if geography would cooperate a bit more. (And it's about to.)

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Being apart, sans doute.

Did you go to the same school?
Nope. Of all the schools we've collectively attended, there is zero overlap. Probably just as well. We agree that had we met in college, for example, we would never have gotten together.

Are you from the same hometown?
Nope again. I was born in NYC and raised in the NJ suburbs. Zach was born in Virginia, although his family was living in Massachusetts at the time. (Long story.) They later lived in Wisconsin, Colorado, Georgia, and Tennessee before settling in the Baltimore area when he was 10.

Who is smarter?
I think Zach's smarter, and he thinks I am, so I'd say we're pretty well matched overall. He did edge me out by 10 points on the verbal portion of the SAT, though, much to my consternation. (We tied on the math.)

Who is the most sensitive?
He is. But then again, he's supposed to be—actor and all.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Here in Los Angeles, at Cliff's Edge.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Hell and back. A few times.

Who has the craziest exes?
Well, I have fewer, that's for sure. No one really charts as crazy, although there's one on my side who made a brief bid for the title. But that was a long time ago. Fortunately.

Who has the worst temper?
Ours come in different flavors. Zach's makes an appearance mainly when he stubs a toe or otherwise does accidental physical harm to his person, and then it's intense but fleeting. Mine shows up even more rarely but tends to be of the slow-burn variety. It takes me longer to shake it off.

Who does the cooking?
I do. Very, very, very occasionally.

Who is the neat freak?
I was, but I've been worn down over the years.

Who is more stubborn?
Depends. Stubbornly optimistic? Zach. Stubbornly punctilious about grammar? That would be me. (The zodiac would give me the nod here—I'm the goat to Zach's crab.)

Who hogs the bed?
Neither, really. He sleepwalks, and I moan, so we're much too busy with other nocturnal activities to wage turf wars.

Who wakes up earlier?
Varies with the day. More often it's me these days, but if Zach has a shoot with a crazy-early call, I take the late shift.

Where was your first date?
Honestly, I'm not really sure. I think we started dating without actually going on an official date. It was a very fluid process. If I had to come up with an answer, I'd say that at some point early on we went to see a very forgettable Kiefer Sutherland/Dennis Hopper movie called "Flashback."

Who is more jealous?
Tied again, pretty much at zero. We lean more toward some of the other deadly sins.

How long did it take to get serious?
We started talking marriage at about the six-month mark.

Who eats more?
Kinds of food? No contest. I am so much better than ever before but still rank among the pickiest eaters either of us knows. If we're talking straight-up quantity, I think we both eat in proportion to our size.

Who does the laundry?
I do my clothes, he does his, and we take turns doing the household laundry. Right now, that chore is on my side of the ledger.

Who's better with the computer?
Zach serves as tech support for me and for both of our families. However, I have to speak both PC (work) and Mac (home), so I think I deserve a little bit of credit. Not much. Just a little.

Who drives when you are together?
Zach. I take after my dad and would be just as happy if I never had to drive again. But I love riding shotgun when Z is at the wheel.


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